

Here you can find many relevant problems and their solutions which can be occur during installation or run-time.And you can also see the working of dictionary for example How to search a word , Add and modify a word.we hope that you will satisfied from the our online support solution.

Qus .1: When i launch or run witty dictionary it shows following error even i have installed dictionary correctly with no error?

Solution.1 : we have understand the problem that your system not having dot net 4.0, and the solution is please install dotNetFx40_Client_x86_x64.exe from the following website:http://
after installing the setup you will able to run the application properly.

Qus .2:  How to search words in the dictionary?

Solution.2: For searching a word in the Dictionary is very easy and efficient .The area which is appearing above to list of words type in it and press the keyboard’s down arrow key. The virtual keyboard gives you an unbeatable service in case of Hindi typing in the Hindi To English window you can use virtual keyboard.

 Qus .3:  How to add words in the dictionary?

Solution. 3: For adding any word the first method is Word Shelf menu item click on it and select Add a word option. In Word window click on save option for saving the word. The second method is arrow icon click on it and click on Add word option. The Shortcut key is Ctrl + N.

 Qus .3:  How to modify words in the dictionary?

Solution 3: For Modifying any word, click on Word Shelf menu item click on it and select Modify a word option. It will say that double click on the word which you want to modify in the wordlist box. In Word window click on update option for saving the word. The second method is arrow icon click on it and click on Edit word option. You can use Ctrl + m Shortcut key.

Qus .4:  How to Switch dictionaries?

Solution: If you are in English to Hindi Dictionary window and suddenly you need to search a Hindi word in Hindi to English Dictionary, so click   on Switch Dictionary menu then select the option Hindi To English Dictionary. The another method for switching is click on arrow icon at the right side of window and click on Hin to Eng option. Quick keyboard shortcut key is Ctrl + H.

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